Sunday, February 15, 2009

Anne Frank-The Dairy of a young girl

Anne Frank-The Dairy of a young girl

This book is about a girl in hiding. The book is translated from Dutch to English. Her name is Anne Frank. She is 13 years old. She was one of the people going through hardship, but she was the only person who wrote a dairy about it. During World War II she goes into hiding because she wants to be safe, and all the towns are getting destroyed because of World War II. She tells you about World War II in her dairy, what she thinks about World War II, and who she thinks should win. In her dairy she described everything about hiding. She got bored after living in hiding for 1 year. She stayed in hiding for almost 3 years. She lives with an other family, for the first few days she does not like to stay in hiding but then she starts enjoying it. She wants to go outside but she can’t go outside. She talks about her helplessness. They faced hunger, boredom, fearfulness, sadness and happiness.
You must read this book because you learn a lot about World War II.


Dr. Vasant Barve said...

Dear Toshita
Gr8 story. I have heard about the book but not read it as yet.


Sampada Vaishampayan said...

nice description Toshita.. I remember reading this book long ago... but I shall read it again!