Friday, May 30, 2014


"How was the trip?" you ask. 2 words. Long and exhausting. The food was good. They gave us little cups of chocolate mousse mixed with cherry. 'Twas delicious. Before getting on the plane I texted some of you to say goodbye. Some you texted back with movie recommendations. Sorry Emma, but horror and I do not go together. The comedy that was requested, I watched. Disney movies dominated the list of movies I watched.. Some of you called to say goodbye and almost made me cry (Emma). The phone number that I had is no longer my number (unless you have a What'sApp), so you will have to find another way to contact me. I reached Bangalore at 3 am. Got home around 5 am. Finished a sudoku before the sun came up. Had some breakfast. And slept. When I awoke from my beauty sleep, I hung out with my friends, who I'm temporarily living with, and wasted time.

Miss y'all,

Quote of the Day: "Only know you love her when you let her go. And you let her go." ~ Passenger
(Thanks a lot Emma).

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